Whitelist a Github Action Runner IP in Azure CosmosDB
I’m using Github Actions to automatically archive journey data from my car. For now I’m writing the data to a local sqlite database stored in a private Git repo, but I’d like to push it to a “remote” database so that the data is more easily accessible. The plan is to use Github Actions to run a script to write the data to a Azure CosmosDB “Free Tier” instance.
Jenkins MQTT Notification Plugin v1.8 Released
Over 7 years has passed since I released the first version of the MQTT Notification Plugin for Jenkins. It’s not particularly big or clever, but it serves a simple purpose and it was a good excuse to play around with MQTT and Jenkins Plugin development.
Azure Cognitive Services - Speech API Demo
I’ve put together a little demo of the Speech API from Azure Cognitive Services. I’m surprised at how well it understood my Norwegian!
Secure MQTT communication with Azure IoT Hub
I’ve started playing with the IoT Hub in Azure and it took some time to assemble the pieces for testing secure MQTT messaging, so here’s a writeup of some notes I made along the way.
Static blog: a new hope?
Here we go again. Another attempt at blogging, this time following a slightly modified version of the KISS principle: Keep it simple: static! This version of the site is a GitHub Pages site using Jekyll.